Estimated Placental Volume and Measure the Placenta in the Media


PODCAST On Air With Brittany Baldi - Measure the Placenta: Amanda F and Her Story

February 18, 2025

Amanda F. Amanda F is a loss momma. She lost her first born daughter to stillbirth. She now works with many others to advocate and bring awareness to the topic of measuring the placenta. A small placenta can be a cause for stillbirth. Britt and Amanda also discuss numerous other topics such as her early years, meeting her husband, and lovingly being a momma to living children.

ARTICLE - The Case for Integrating Placental Pathology into Prospective Clinical Trials

November 14, 2024

Perinatal pathologists are calling for placental pathology to be incorporated into prospective clinical trials so they can start telling clinical providers what the findings in their reports mean. For want of funding and the relevant diagnostic expertise, the placenta has long been a woefully under-investigated organ that could be providing critical insights on pregnancy-related conditions like preeclampsia and preterm birth that are currently defined solely based on a clinical diagnosis, according to Mana Parast, M.D., Ph.D., professor of pathology at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and director of the perinatal pathology service at UC San Diego Health.  


PODCAST Cuppa with a Doula - small placenta may be the leading cause of full term stillbirth

October 27, 2024

Thanks for tuning into today’s conversation with the amazing Ann, all the way from the USA who shares with us the story of her motherhood journey and in particular the birth and death and her baby Elijah who passed away at term due to a small placenta size. Since then, Ann has created an amazing organisation in the USA called measure the placenta, backed by research showing that the detection of small placentas through measuring the placenta during pregnancy could help prevent a large number of stillbirths. 


ARTICLE Discarding the placenta after birth leads to loss of valuable information, pathologists say

September 18, 2024

Physician-scientists argue that with most placentas discarded after birth, placental pathology is underutilized clinically, should be a routine part of obstetric and neonatal care, and also deserves more research attention.


PODCAST The Sad Mom’s Club - Amanda’s Story of Loss and Stillbirth Prevention

July 9, 2024

Amanda shares the emotional story of her daughter Junie, a full-term stillbirth. She shares the details of the pregnancy and the birth of her daughter. Since losing Junie, Amanda has become an advocate for various practices that can prevent stillbirth including placental measurement, monitoring fetal movements, and advocating for yourself.


ARTICLE The Ephemeral Organ: Researchers Look Closer at the Placenta

May 29, 2024

A better understanding of the placenta may help curb maternal and fetal mortality rates, but progress is slow.


PODCAST Silent Footprints - Freya’s Mom - EPV/Measure the Placenta

May 1, 2024

Measure the Placenta team member Jessica is a guest on episode 18 of Silent Footprints. Jessica recently got involved with a life saving organization called Measure the Placenta. If she knew of these life saving measures like EPV, maybe she could have saved Freya’s life. Now, instead of sitting on the sidelines, she is sharing her journey and bringing hope and comfort to other families.


PODCAST The Butterfly Broadcast - Measure the Placenta for Junie

March 27, 2024

Measure the Placenta team member Amanda, a Minnesota mama to three girls and co-founder of the instagram page @measuretheplacenta, is a guest on episode 53 of The Butterfly Broadcast. During her first pregnancy with Juniper, baby was measuring small at the anatomy scan so she was regularly monitored by MFM specialists. Despite the extra care, an important diagnosis of small placenta was missed and was not adequately treated for IUGR (intrauterine growth restriction) which unfortunately cost Juniper her life. Take a listen to learn how Amanda honors her daughter by advocating for public education in stillbirth prevention.


ARTICLE If This Pregnancy Screening Could Prevent 30% Of Stillbirths, Why Is No One Using It?

December 13, 2023

The standard of care for pregnant people is a very difficult thing to change.


PODCAST Science Friday - Placenta Research May Help Explain Pregnancy Loss

October 27, 2023

Dr. Harvey Kliman joins guest host Flora Lichtman to talk about his research, and the importance of studying the placenta as a way to better understand what leads to miscarriage and stillbirth.


ARTICLE Cologne woman advocates for stillborn awareness in D.C.

October 27, 2023

Measure the Placenta team member Amanda was featured in her hometown newspaper for her advocacy work.


ARTICLE Placenta holds answers to many unexplained pregnancy losses, study finds

September 19, 2023

Yale researchers show that placental examination could help determine the cause of more than 90% of previously unexplained pregnancy losses.


PODCAST At a Total Loss - Dr Heather Florescue, OBGYN

May 25, 2023

Dr Florescue is championing for major change in the prevention of stillbirth and she alone seems to be the only one in her field. We are hopeful that after hearing her speak, others will want to step forward and join her in the fight to end preventable stillbirth as well as help provide better bereavement and grief support to families as they navigate pregnancy after loss.


ARTICLE What You Need to Know About Stillbirths

May 3, 2023

Part of ProPublica’s ongoing series on stillbirth, this piece looks at how the U.S. has not prioritized stillbirth prevention, and American parents are losing babies even as other countries make larger strides to reduce deaths late in pregnancy. A link to Measure the Placenta is included in the piece.


PODCAST At a Total Loss - Dr Harvey Kliman

February 16, 2023

Katherine Lazar chats with Dr. Harvey Kliman about his research and medical opinion when it comes to the placenta, pregnancy loss/stillbirth, and reoccurring pregnancies.


VIDEO Parents of stillborn babies look to Dr. Harvey Kliman for answers

July 27, 2022 -

Dr. Harvey Kliman at Yale University School of Medicine is the doctor couples seek after having a stillbirth, based on his research on placentas.


ARTICLE Family Shares Hope with Others After Infant Loss

May 23, 2022

Brian and Kelly Friedrich were ready to be parents. Despite the COVID pandemic impacting some of their plans, the Appleton couple was looking forward to welcoming a baby boy in April 2021. After experiencing what she describes as an easy, normal pregnancy, as Kelly was nearing 36 weeks, she noticed she had not felt the baby kick in some time.

ARTICLE Mount Sinai Collaborates With PUSH for Empowered Pregnancy to Launch Nation’s First Rainbow Clinic Dedicated to Reducing Stillbirths

March 22, 2022

Patients will have access to monitoring and testing services that are typically not available through other prenatal programs, such as estimated placental volume (EPV) monitoring, which can help guide the course of treatment and care.



August 20, 2021

RadioLab interviews Dr. Harvey Kliman, MD, PhD to talk about the placenta, “perhaps the most essential piece in the survival of our kind.”


PODCAST SHATTERED CONCEPTION with Dr. Ivy Margulies and Dr. Harvey Kliman, MD, PHD

March 23, 2020

Episode 39 of Shattered Conception with Dr. Harvey Kliman M.D., Ph.D., Research Scientist in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Yale University School of Medicine and the Director of the Reproductive and Placental Research Unit there with a special interest in infertility, pregnancy complications, pregnancy loss(es) and stillbirth.



February 1, 2018

Star Legacy Foundation interviews Dr. Harvey Kliman, MD, PhD for their podcast “Stillbirth Matters.”  Listen as Chris Duffy visits with him about his research of the placenta and pregnancy outcomes.


ARTICLE Childbirth: Technique Measures Placenta’s Volume

August 3, 2009

A small placenta can endanger a fetus by limiting the delivery of food and oxygen. Now researchers at Yale have developed an easy method of measuring the volume of the placenta during pregnancy.


ARTICLE: Equation to ‘spot small placenta’

August 9, 2009

A measurement to spot small placentas could act as an early warning system and potentially stop babies dying in the womb, a study suggests.


ARTICLE: Yale Scientists Develop ‘Gas Gauge’ to Prevent Pregnancy Loss

August 2, 2009

To combat the many fetal deaths that occur annually because the placenta is too small, researchers at Yale School of Medicine have developed a method to measure the volume of the placenta, which provides nourishment to the fetus.


ARTICLE: New Ways to Size Up Placentas

August 14, 2009

Thousands of pregnancies are lost each year because the placenta is simply too small and the fetus runs out of food and oxygen. Now, researchers have developed a method to gauge placental volume.


ARTICLE: Mobile App Collecting Placenta Health Data

October 27, 2015

A new iPhone app allows women to report on the health of their placentas as their pregnancies develop, in a research study of placenta health to help reduce fetal death.


ARTICLE: Yale launches ResearchKit app to study and prevent pregnancy loss

November 5, 2015

Yale School of Medicine has launched a second ResearchKit study, and the new one aims to decrease the chance of pregnancy loss resulting from an undersized placenta. According to Yale, fetal death affects 30,000 women in the US annually.


ARTICLE: Equation to spot small placenta

August 11, 2009

Yale University researchers say they have developed an equation to work out the volume of the placenta with a high degree of accuracy. They hope their measurement could spot problems with the organ, which nourishes the growing fetus.


ARTICLE: Spotting placentas may prevent babies from dying in womb

August 10, 2009

It may soon be possible to stop babies dying in the womb, thanks to a measurement to spot small placentas that can act as an early warning system.